Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Troubles of Christmas

Christmas is an awesome time of the year. There are cookies, presents, family time, and so much more. Christmas is especially a fun time when you are a kid, because as you get older it's not as fun anymore. The one thing about Christmas though, is they're trying to change it to happy holidays which I think it's bogus. It started out as the American tradition of saying Merry Christmas therefore I think it should stay that way. It's not fair for people from other countries to come over here and say it offends them. Well how about we go over to your country and say it offends us that you say Happy Holidays. Many countries have different ways of celebrating Christmas so why should we have to change how we celebrate it, because you don't like it. Christmas shouldn’t be how you say it that counts; it should be how you celebrate it that counts. Many countries celebrate it from traditions that date back to hundreds years ago, some spend the holiday on the beach and eating cold salad instead of turkey, some celebrate it for many days, some think magical things happen on Christmas Eve, some people celebrate it with festivals and parades. So I sit here and think why does it matter what we call it. We are all celebrating the same thing and that’s Jesus’ birthday. I think that people need to get over what it is called and start having fun. Christmas comes only once a year and we should all celebrate and quit worrying about stupid petty things

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Do you think car accidents have to deal with a certain age group or the cell phone issue? The funny thing is my mom tells me I'm an under experience driver if that's so why is it I haven't had any accidents and the accidents I almost do have are older people almost causing them. Car accidents usually happen when it’s 5 kilometers away from home and rarely happen on a vacation trip. When males say woman are the cause for accidents, they are wrong males cause twice as many accidents as female drivers plus they like to have big cars with big engines and the thing about big engines is that you are more likely to cause an accident with a big engine. 39% of crashes are just caused by alcohol and over 10,000 people die from car crashes each year. The most crashes happen between midnight and 3am. Pedestrians are actually at a greater risk than drivers. 14 kid pedestrians each year are killed by a school bus and it’s usually between 3pm and 4pm. The nationality fatality rate for pedestrians is 1.58 to 100,000. Now here’s what I was asking earlier about who causes the most accidents and its people from 16-20 years of age. The most accidents happen during the weekend and over 51% of them are fatal. The most common place to have an accident is in a park aid.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Evolution or Creation?

Before I just want to say I'm not trying to persuade anyone to believe that "this" conspiracy happened I'm just giving facts of the two topics and want to hear what you think. I don't want to offend anyone, and I'm not trying to. If you ask me I don't know what to believe? I believe in God, but then again the evolution thing is really close to. There are many conspiracies in the world, but they two main ones are evolution and creation. Evolution is traits inheritated and passed down, but there can be a change in some traits. The theory is supposedly man was made from the evolution of monkeys. The fact is that chimpanzees have 95.6% of our DNA. Now if you ask me thats a little creepy. Then there's the conspiracy of creation from God. Then again the thing is the bible has been re-written so many times. Evolutionist or the "scientist" believe that if we can't touch, hear, smell, or see the creator, then they cannot test the creator. They believe that they whole universe couldn't explode from nothing, therefore there's an scientific explanation for everything, but the thing is they haven't found anything to explain it Then we have Adam and Eve the first man and woman that were created. If you have never heard of the story it goes that Adam and Eve were to never eat off a special tree in the Eden Garden, well one day a snake came by "the devil" and convinced them to eat it. So they took a bit and the story goes God cursed all man from then on. Evolution started in Europe and later a man named Charles Darwin wrote a book about evolution and this started a big controversy with the church. As for creation everyone accepted it and it goes way back? There are many trials for this controversy like Daniel vs. Waters and The Butler Act and Monkey Scopes trail. To tell you the truth I don't think we will ever find out and if we do there will still be a big controversy.

The problem with obesity

There is so much obesity and America is the number one country with the most people who are obese. Obesity means when fat becomes so extensive that it starts affecting the health. The BMI (Body Mass Index) should be between 18.5-24.9 kg/m for a normal BMI. Overweight is between 25-29.9 kg/m. Most health problems that occur are cardiovascular disease, diabetes type 2 which is the worst one to have, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, types of cancer, and it can reduce your life expectancy. How you get obese is when you take in too much energy (food) then what your metabolism can handle and also with the lack of physical activity. Most people who are obese have it from a genetic, medical, or psychiatric condition. It has become a really bad problem now that you see younger children become obese. Most of it has to do with video games, instead of going outside to waste all their energy and working their intake they took in that day they sit inside and play video games all day long. A lot of it also has to do with fast food places. It is so convenient to just stop by on the way home or on your lunch break to a fast food place that no one is getting the nutrition they need instead they get all the fatty foods and no calcium, Vitamins, and etc. Now the statistics are 80% of offspring from two obese parents are obese versus 10% of normal weight offspring had normal weight parents. The medical part is some medicines can make you can weight. For example birth control, insulin, steroids, hormonal contraception, and etc. The psychiatric part is it is not a disorder it’s just an illness. How we can fix all this are a balanced diet and a physical exercise. But it's not that easy most of the time that means you has to manage your own calorie intake for the day and this is really hard for some people. You can also take drugs to maintain a weight loss. You can take a pill that absorbs fat or you can do surgery where they can remove part of your stomach so you can get fuller faster, but that can also be dangerous and can lead to health problems to. So what I would stick to is the nutrious diet and exercise, because it is the most affective way to lose weight. Obesity has become a problem in the U.S. no doubt about it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

World Hunger

What's funny is there are so many people who have nice things, have a house over their head, have food and water and etc. while there are so many other kids who are starving. It's sad because most kids who do have these values abuse and don't realize how blessed they are. There are kids who would kill to have the things we do. When you see on the commercials people who are starving and they ask to give money; most people don't even stop to really think about it. Put yourself in their positions, if you were starving wouldn't you want someone to give you something. Poverty is such a terrible thing, and most people sometimes don't have that choice they are just born in to poverty. What if the world didn't have to suffer this? Sitting here trying to trace back to where everything started and wondering if it started with the first person? Wouldn't it be nice to give people food and clothing and shelter, but not even enough money could do that. It's not fair how some people can't help that they are born in to it and have to suffer. Even thinking about it, it is really hard to come up with any solutions on how to solve this. There could be the solution of just not having money anymore so people could survive, but then again we do need that to hold some structure in life. So what can we do? Alot of people die everyday from this problem alot of it is from malnutrition. There are two types of malnutrition micronutrient deficiency and protein energy malnutrution. More than 50 million people suffer from this and the number keeps on growing. Most kids who suffer malnutrition can suffer up to 160 days of being sick plus may cause a life times of problems. The funny thing is the world DOES produce enough food to feed everyone, so if these people suffer and we have enough food to feed them why don't we? Every 3.6 seconds someone dies from hunger and about 15 million children die every year. Race has a big part to do with it to 46% African American, 40% are Latino, and only 16% of whites starve. Most of the starvation is in Europe. Don't you think this is a problem. It would be nice to solve this, but reality is it will never happen, but it would be nice to take measures to try to reduce the statistics.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Economy

So I sit here and wonder what's going to happen with the economy. Are we going to have another Great Depression... I don't know what will happen, but it's really scary and already millions of people have lost thousands out of the bank. I haven't pulled anything out of my bank because I think it's safe, but what happens supposedly is when the bank is going to close they have people's companies that own money to the bank, they take all their money and foreclose the company on them which doesn't access money to the company so they're done. Now think of that as a chain linking problem.... ya I know our whole country starts to shut down. And the whole presidential race right now scares me...! I think that if McCain wins the nomination I kind of fear that our country will keep going the way it is..... The bail out announcement that Bush just made about giving peoples tons of money so the banks don't foreclose on them; Everyone knows that they are just going to do it again! To be in politics and deal with this kind of stuff would make me want to pull my hair out not only that but if something goes wrong you get blamed for it.... Whatever happens to this country I hope it only gets better, because another thing we don't need is the economy going down!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The New Blog

This is my new blog and mostly is going to be based on things thats on my mind, thoughts, and mostly topics on the world today! So I hope that you enjoy this blog and have fun!!!