Sunday, March 15, 2009

What is Life Like After High School?

Most high schoolers are scared of what happens after college? Most things that run threw their minds are Will I be Successful, What's going to happen to me, What do I want to do with my life, will I ever get a job or career started, and etc.? Most people are really scared to grow up and for instance I am one of them. Life is scary when you never know what is going to happen or where it is going to take you. The feeling of a senior about to graduate and have a good summer is so exciting. All the high school home work is done and all the filling out scholarships and hoping to get in to a college is so exhausting that you just want it to be all over. But what happens when it gets closer to you going to college. What will happen... we see people fail and some succeed... but which category will you be in? Most kids also move out from their homes and want to live on their own. Most have to take on the responsibility of having to have a full time job and taking college classes. Lets also face it you cannot get any good income with out a degree now a days and time is only getting harder. It seems like kids are being forced in to college or they wont have a promising future. And don’t get me on the “I don’t have any money” issue. That’s one thing that makes me so angry there are tons of ways to get money from federal aid to grants to scholarships. Most of the time the government will pay for you if you have absolutely nothing! I believe all kids should go to college, especially if you have that opportunity too. Most kids don’t have that opportunity in 3rd world countries to go to college or even that but school. Most kids would love that chance to do it and people over here in America take everything for granted. Kids skip out in school and just plain out don’t put effort in to it. That’s why living life and going to college is so important not only to better your lives, but think about us as a whole in a nation. The more people we have the more people can help each other and make their lives easy. Go to college and don’t be scared for everyone goes through it and it always turns out good if you allow it.

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